Getting Started


Installation is as simple as running this command in the terminal.

$ pip install pyconfigreader


To read a configuration file create a file settings.ini in the current directory and paste the following content:

reader = configreader
name = pyconfigreader
language = python
versions = [2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6]

language = English
development = None
path = /home/ubuntu/
user = Ubuntu
groups = 1000

In a Python console, import ConfigReader:

>>> from pyconfigreader import ConfigReader

Declare the path to your settings.ini file:

>>> settings_ini = '/path/to/settings.ini'

Read the settings file:

>>> config = ConfigReader(settings_ini)

Get data from the config:

>>> config.get('reader')
... 'configreader'
>>> config.get('groups', section='DATA')
... 1000

Set values:

>>> config.set('key', 'value', section='section')
>>> config.set('number', 4, section='NEW')

Save changes:


Close the ConfigReader object:

>>> config.close()  # Close without saving changes
>>> # or
>>> config.close(save=True)  # Save the changes then close